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The Hurdles Of Inconvenience!

The Hurdles Of Inconvenience!

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You are walking leisurely or during a hurry, whatever be things, along a little lane which is empty most of the time, and you're enjoying your walk. You see an enormous car parked ahead blocking nearly half the lane. the instant you reach it things start happening as if it were pre-planned. You get surrounded by sudden traffic in both directions-cars, bikes, cycle rickshaws, and whatnot, rushing and honking endlessly. 

You're forced to prevent behind the car, unable to steer on, as if trapped, and you begin cursing if the sudden traffic movements continue for quite a moment. you will get angrier after you finally overcome the hurdle; because the instant you cross it the lane is again empty and quiet. You're now convinced that it had been a conspiracy of sorts, which such conspiracies keep it up happening.

Because but, you see a street light post almost within the middle of the lane making the road narrower, and you'd wonder why the municipal authority was in such a frame of mind. the instant you approach it it's everywhere again-cars, bikes, cycle rickshaws rushing honking in both directions, and even cyclists coming behind you trying to slide through the incorrect side of the sunshine post, stopping your progress altogether. You curse again if the commotion continues for quite minute, and normally it does last quite your tolerance deadline, always, invariably. And then, everything's back to normal after you cross this hurdle.

 On another instance, you see a puddle of murky rain-water or a blackish pit caused by seepage on your side of the lane that forces you stray into the center portion so as to avoid it; but before you are able to try to that, the traffic movements would suddenly happen again from both directions, paralyzing you by the side of the puddle, making you inaugurate anger, frustration, and absolute helplessness.
 Your conspiracy theory gets confirmed, because you see such inexplicable inconveniences happen regularly, on most of your walks or errands. Then, at some point, you opt to write down about it and need an appropriate photograph to convey your conviction. 

So, you stand at those 'hurdles' points together with your smartphone camera ready for action. Alas! Nothing of that kind happens this time! Now, you curse because it isn't happening-the road obstinately continues to stay quiet and desolate.
 Anyway, these aren't serious matters; these are normal in the sense of 'wrongs things happening at the incorrect time' or 'timing doesn't even suit me' or 'that I'm always unlucky' or like that. 

this stuff happens not only on the roads but also at homes regularly, always, and invariably. The doorbell rings once you are close to applying the shaving razor to your face covered with lather, and your anger all the more severe once you peep through finding the newspaper agent with the bill; door-bells ringing invariably when you're within the bath, often couriers coming with important parcels, and if you're alone within the house it's all the more annoying; you sit back your mobile expecting an urgent call.

 and therefore the moment you get away for a glass of water or to require a leak, the mobile would definitely ring making you curse as you discover the 'missed' call; your spouse would always ring your mobile the instant you turn on the movie channel for a favorite you waited for or as you enter the kitchen to form advance preparations for dinner; without stopping to such inconveniences.
 It's perfectly alright to stay on wondering over such coincidental hurdles on your way; but not in the least alright if you begin taking these too seriously and begin cursing all the more bitterly. You surely wouldn't want yourself stranded behind cars or puddles or dead-ends, but, within the same way, you'd not want many other situations in life too. This hurdle-race of life isn't that boring either if you anticipate it cleverly and overcome it diligently. Right?
 Chinmay Chakravarty may be a professional creatively engaged in writing. He features a special liking to ascertain people happy and smiling always.

 So he has devoted a sizeable chunk of his writing time to humor pieces based on lifestyle and observations. He was a politician of Indian Information Service and superannuated from the post of Director, Press Information Bureau, Kolkata.

 Distributed his first book on Humor 'Giggle and Let Laugh' in 2017.

.Thanks for reading

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