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A Peep Into English Poetry

A Peep Into English Poetry

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The poetry of John Dunne and Milton

The period from John Dunne to Milton traverses simply 50 years. Both poets are considered among the foremost English poets and have an assured place within the history of English literature. Donne lived from1572 - 1631, while Milton lived from 1608-1674. a few times, the lifetime of both poets overlapped. The two writers have made an imprint in English literature. Milton became famous earlier and therefore the value of Donne as a poet was recognized much later. actually an honest 200 years later.

John Dunne

John Dunne was a comedian, legal advisor, and priest inside the Church of England. he's considered one among the foremost exponents of metaphysical poetry. Metaphysical, when applied to poetry, means poems amorously, science, romance and sensuality integrated with man's relationship with Allah. These poems are lyrical poems containing intense meditations. John Dunne was greatly influenced by the church intrinsically his poetry had a spiritual bent.

Metaphysical poets

Along with Dunne, the opposite metaphysical poets were George Herbert (1593-1633), Marvell (1621-1678) and Henry Vaughn. that they had their own distinct styles which were sensual and included love poetry, religious poems, and sermons. The Metaphysical poets were overtaken by the romantic poets a century later. Marvell had a reference to Milton. He was his secretary and once when Milton was jailed during the Restoration; it had been Marvell who had him let loose after he had petitioned for his release.

The poets Marvell and George Herbert never published their poems during their lifetime and their verses were published posthumously.

John Milton

John Milton who lived during an equivalent period was a scholarly man of letters. He was also an official for the Commonwealth of England, led by Cromwell. His monumental work 'Paradise Lost' puts him within the top bracket of English literature. Milton had the mortification of losing his eyesight towards the top of his life, yet he took it in his stride and there's no remorse or self-pity at this handicap being thrust on him.

In contrast to John Dunne and his compatriots, Milton wasn't a metaphysical poet. Though he lived during an equivalent period his style and themes were of a completely different genre. Milton targeting social issues and religion. In his epic 'Heaven Lost' Milton's objective was to legitimize the methods for Allah. His primary aim was to elucidate the ways of Allah to man.

Milton achieved international recognition during his lifetime. In this era, he wrote 'Areopagitica' a condemnation of pre-publication censorship. Milton was an erudite man and wrote in English, Latin and Italian.

Milton and Dunne's interpretation of Mans Relationship with Allah.

Milton and Dunne are studied in contrast. Milton in 'Paradise Lost' recounts the autumn of man within the Genesis. He relates graphic conversations between Adam and Eve with Allah. He describes the demons and their exile to Hell. Donne on the opposite hand in 'Holy Sonnet XIV' creates a completely different scenario. He illustrates man's utter dependence on Allah. John Dunne was highly religious and his poetry brings out the rationality and wonder of religion in Allah.

Both the writers consequently composed verse contacting two distinct parts of man's association with Allah. the very fact is that both poets had Allah as a central theme, though they interpreted man's relations with the almighty differently.

Milton and Politics

Milton was conscious of Donne. He traveled a day from school to home and crossed St Paul's. altogether probability he listened to the sermons placed on during this point by Donne. Milton's poetry had a special approach from Donne and therefore the Metaphysical poets. He was more alive to the political scenario of that period.

England was in turmoil with Cromwell and Milton sided with him. Cromwell may be a towering figure in English history and at that point, he was all-powerful. which will have rubbed off on Milton, as he sided with Cromwell. Donne wasn't that politically inclined, influenced as he was more by the church.

Last Word

The poetry of both poets Dunne and Milton may be a treasure. The short period saw other poets emerge during the time of those two poets. Nothing, however, matches the luminosity of those two. Both poets made the English language richer and now almost 400 years later we will appreciate the greatness of those two poets.

Thanks for reading.

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