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Waylaying Common Sense

Assuming that our kind readers have understood the "sense of it" from the headline we start straight away, at the macro level first.

Let's consider a democratic country where supposing a scenario, the masses are up in vehement but peaceful protests against a particular state policy; the masses here contain farmers, students, teachers, professors, intellectuals, advocates, artists and every one of the type. The problem is, the state refuses to believe this mass movement or that they might be wrong; they steadfastly allege that the masses are being misled by certain political and other forces who want to destabilize the country. sense tells them that each one the people, by the people and for the people of democracy can't be misled or misguided continually, which the movement requires them to take a re-look. But no, they still defy sense and thus put their stakes in absolute peril within the next elections. a number of them, who must be totally obviated any sense, threaten to shoot all the protesters down. Books of disasters are mostly written during this manner. many other examples might be rampant here, but we need to appreciate the time constraints most of our sensible readers have at their disposal.

So, we had better start subsequent level-that is that the meso level. A rampaging lack of sense highlights numerous happenings within the public places. From a crowded bus or an area train, commuters, packed inside, display the keenest natural desire to urge down peacefully; however, the equally keen commuters, poised to urge in first for the limited seats inside, attempt to board immediately disregarding the alighting passengers, resulting in commotion, shouts and even fisticuffs. Commons sense tells them to attend patiently for just a couple of seconds more so that the proceedings continue democratically.

 sense also tells them that a loss of a couple of seconds cannot, altogether probability, derail their schedule. Then, the drivers of all kinds of vehicles in action: they transparently display their insane desire to urge past the others by hook or by crook resulting in loud cursing and scolding; they keep it up honking even after seeing clearly that the road is clogged, cars are jammed bumper-to-bumper before them resulting in pedestrian ire-some of them, possibly impaired with vestibular brokenness or hearing issues, scowling blackly at them. sense tells them to attend patiently a couple of minutes more at their wheels so that they do not get what they deserve. Again, we stop here to respect our readers; although, thousands of other examples are often equally rampant.

In between me and micro levels, we will just make a passing mention about the goings-on in large organizations or offices. only one example here: you're within the good books of your supreme boss; you're entrusted with key and artistic responsibilities or assignments, and then, one day, the boss gives you his manuscript of a completely unique, written by him during a foreign language, for your kind review. sense would tell you to use the simplest of your senses so that your good phase continues. But no! you're very honest, frank and a non-believer in sycophancy: that day you enter his chamber after browsing his proposed book, and utter blasphemously, "Sir, the story is extremely nice, it's all the weather of fiction, and you have captured all the characters brilliantly. But Sir, pardon me saying that if it's written in your very own maternal language, this story would really blossom and become a classic.

 But if you're firm on writing during this foreign language only, I suggest, Sir, that the manuscript be re-written." The boss smiles back brightly at you and you allow the space in excellent spirits. Next morning: you discover that you simply are taken out of the foremost important creative assignments; a couple of days later you discover that the boss gives the book for publication after getting a 'good' review from one among your colleagues. many other examples abound here; but we respect you, kind readers.

Now, the micro-level where billions of examples could throng in; but obviously again, we plan to mention only a really basic case. you're a really 'equal-minded male' and need to assist your wife at every step within the business of living together: so you enter the kitchen, make the preparations for breakfast and even cook the preliminary items; job accomplished you repair to the front room, turn on the tv, and enjoy, blissfully unaware of any wrong, so to say.  

And then, the blast that takes you totally unawares, The wife starts scolding you during a high-pitched voice about how you dirtied her domain, so absolutely. sense tells you to stay mum and as deadpan as possible so that the nagging, that threatens to travel on indefinitely, stops, and perhaps she comes in later with a steaming cup of tea for you. But no! The 'male' pride or rather your ego eggs you on to justify your 'work' insistently resulting in a loudly orchestrated vocal outbreak that reverberates around the full housing society. this is often knowledgeable hazard every spouse faces if we consider the institution of marriage as a profession, and this commands the utmost sense from you for minimum prevention.

The beauty of the sense is within the applying.

Thanks for reading.

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