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The Back-Up Plan!!!

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Life is reincarnation consistently.

 What I mean is: it's sort of a refurbished used car at now that's bought restored and made new albeit it's going to have many miles thereon. I mean, we've had many chances through much time of living, use, and evolution to urge it right ultimately. Indeed, existence itself is its own back-up plan and everything else means nothing, especially human laws and decrees on what works and what doesn't work. there's something thereto saying that "there is usually tomorrow", and therefore the saying about "eternal now being cold cash unlike yesterday and tomorrow". Because reality comes right down to not what we would like or decree, it comes right down to |all the way down to"> right down to what's to bring it down to the foremost simplistic and realistic terms possible.

When I consider back-up plans, I usually have unrealistic Goldberg (or Reuben Garrett Lucius Goldberg) and Wiley E. Coyote of Road Runner Saturday morning cartoon fame cartoon images of them for this reason: If existence never stops existing and that we always get an opportunity through consistent reincarnation of energies, why worry and why await the "Gold Star" of getting it right within the "fewest tries"? Well, the earlier and better you catch on, the higher you'll grow. Indeed, growth and power over our circumstances are the important "Gold Stars" we are expecting . to not be acknowledged by others or "made official", and therefore the real back-up plan altogether reality is genuine growth and understanding, all else doesn't count really except as "stamp collecting" and "seat filler" that poses as "The Gold Star" that says "Great, you won" that folks can offer you.

Anyone can get all the accolades, awards, and titles within the world and existence, but if you are doing not have the back-up plan of genuine growth and understanding, all meaning nothing. What does one think Jesus really meant by telling the leaders, Priests, and Scribes of his time without the consciousness of God to back them up that their titles without the backing of genuine God will cause Hell or oblivion anyhow? Without the important consciousness of data, knowledge and titles mean nothing. thereupon pure genuine consciousness, you've got everything, and therefore the titles might be earned anywhere really once you really have it to back it all up.

As long as there's existence and energy actually, there's always a choice and an opportunity.

Thanks for reading.

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